How important is your Job History?

work history

There was a time, only a few decades back, when the question of Job History never arose. Employees stayed at that one organisation their whole careers, aligning their personal goals to fit the traditional work hierarchy. Promotion and raises were relied upon and alternate jobs weren’t so readily available.

Today we live in a country where 1 in every 4 employees is willing to shift jobs at any given time. Our fast paced economic growth has resulted in a high labour turnover with a vacant job at every corner. In a scenario with increased competition such as this, how important is your job history?


Your Job History is a combination of the above and needs to be reflected upon your Resume and CV. In India importance has always been given to the Previous Employees and past Job Roles. This gives the recruiter a glimpse into the kind of responsibilities you’ve handled, the industry you’ve worked in and the exposure you’ve had. This in turns gives an understanding of your fit into your next job.

References are another aspect traditionally given importance to in our Country. This is simply a mean of verifying everything you state and to get an insight into your performance and dedication.

However in today’s job market where attrition is the biggest threat, an additional special note is taken of your Employment Dates. Every unemployment gap is observed while every resignation is questioned.

Unemployment gaps may be taken for various reasons. Unavailability of jobs, break for leisure purposes, health or personal issues are some common circumstances. Unfortunately none of these reflect very well on your job history. They signal carelessness, incompetence and warning flags for not hiring you.

A way to combat this is to take temporary MOOC courses while searching for your next job. Freelancing or volunteering for social causes are other noble reasons to fall back on. Got a family business? Help with it. It would only add on to your job history and reflect responsibility.

Your reason for leaving your previous jobs is bound to raise eyebrows. ‘For better prospects’ has definitely turned clichéd but still works. However the other alternative is to use your judgement and work on the truth. In today’s scenario your recruiter is bound to be cautious of job hopping.

All in one, yes your Job History –also known as Work or Employment History – is important.  Every date, every resignation, ever relationship and all the other aspects only contribute to your career path and should be taken seriously.  

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