How to Draft the Ideal Job Application E-Mail


Have you realised how a Job Application Email is your one opportunity to create that first impression? Every error reflects carelessness while every misconception depicts ignorance. Here are a few tips for drafting that ideal email.

  1.       Include your Name & Aspiring Job Title in the Subject Line


There are high chances that the vacancy you’re applying for isn’t the only one available. Subject lines such as ‘Application for a Job’ fails to make an impression and is just another application email. Using the suggested subject instead will help you stand out and help the recruiter recollect you faster. The first of your first impression sorted!

  1.    Appropriate Forms of Address

Sirs’ and Madams’ have turned clichéd. Instead take an effort to look up the company or hiring agency’s manager address them. Dear Mr. Fernandes or Dear Mrs. Gupta shows your awareness of the who’s who of that firm. This however has its limitations. If you’re applying for Google you wouldn’t address Dear Mr. Pichai.

  1.    A Concise Introduction

If you’ve included your name in the subject line then you needn’t repeat it. However elaborate on where you heard of this vacancy. Specify the newspaper and date or the job portal. Also mention the attached resume or send them the required links. Do not keep these things for the end. In this way if the recruiter is in a rush, they’ve got your crucial data without having to skim the entire email.

  1.   The Email Body is a Brief of your Profile

The body of the email should ideally contain a brief of your education pattern, job history, experience, skills and strengths. You could include your last working date and notice period if applicable. Also remember that your Resume has the details of the same so do not elaborate. This is only meant to provide a brief of your profile so limit yourself to about 100 words.

  1.   Why this particular company?

This is something recruiters wouldn’t always ask but are interested to know. This would work if you’re applying for a specific role at a said company, not if you’re applying to a recruitment agency or a blind ad.

So why did you pick this job at this company? Is it the prospects, the culture? This would also enlighten you on your own motive.  If it’s only the salary or desperation for a new job, then we strongly advise you skip this point.

  1.   A Proper Signature


Include your Full Name, expertise and contact number. This provides just enough information to contact you. No more, no less.

  1.   Things to Avoid

Sending job application emails to multiple email Ids at one reflects terrible etiquettes. Also be sure to avoid any mistakes in information, spellings and grammar. Make the best use of that auto-check functionality.

On a whole, spend some time in drafting a proper format. This isn’t just another email but one that could make or break your prospects and mould your future. Good luck in finding a job!


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