Personal Mobile Usage at your Workplace

mobile usage at workplaceIt’s no secret that cell phones today are amongst our prized possessions. What was originally meant for making phone calls has today evolved to useful devices that help us in multiple functions such as chatting, gaming, video recording, directions and so on.

With the revolution of cell phones is the constant need to check and recheck your phone. Can you last an hour without checking your messages and notifications? This is the situation faced by almost everyone around us. In such a scenario, how do we manage this near obsession at a workplace?

Professions that don’t allow Mobile Usage

Most other professions don’t allow mobile usage. This could be either in the policy or an ethical move. Chefs, Doctors, Engineers and so on can’t or shouldn’t use their phones while on duty because it would only cause distraction. It’s encouraged to keep the phones on silent, preferably with automatic replies to call back at a time when you’re free. Give your friends and family the company number so they can reach you in case of an emergency.

Professions that allow Mobile Usage

Certain jobs – or companies – allow their employees responsible mobile usage. If you are in fields such as Sales, PR, Marketing, Journalism or such then you will need that cell phone. However deadlines and maturity will force you to be responsible enough not to try gaming or chatting during office hours when there’s more important work to complete.

Cell Phone Usage on Cruise Ships

Any professional on Cruise Line duty will tell you that cell phone usage is close to null on a Cruise Ship. Network coverage is barely available on sea and can only be accessed at the ports. Moreover international roaming is quite costly so it’s best avoided. Instead the Internet is mostly made available so you can connect with your close ones while you’re off duty. Emergency hotlines are installed so they can reach you if urgent.
All in one you will realise that personal mobile usage is only a necessity at a workplace. You will need to treat it as an act of leisure to be used only when you’re free. With experience you will automatically realise how productive you are without the constant distraction and learn to control that urge to keep checking and rechecking their phones.

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